constellr Joins Smart Carbon Farming Initiative to Drive Sustainable Agriculture in North -West Europe

constellr Joins Smart Carbon Farming Initiative to Drive Sustainable Agriculture in North -West Europe

Freiburg, 2nd of May 2024 - constellr is delighted to announce the launch of our new project: Smart Carbon Farming, led by Multitel and co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Programme.  

Smart Carbon Farming connects farmers, technology, research, and policy to drive an inclusive agricultural transition and grow resilient, future-proof farms in North-West Europe.  

Many of today’s standard farming practices deplete the very soil they rely on. If we stay on this current path, we risk destabilising our food systems with fertility loss and soil erosion.  

Carbon farming is a key part of the solution. By rewarding farmers for storing carbon and/or reducing their emissions, the approach promotes healthier farming methods like regenerative agriculture that restore soil, rather than degrade it. With its potential to revitalise and protect agricultural land, accelerating carbon farming is fundamental to achieving an economically resilient farming ecosystem in Northwest Europe and beyond.  

However, for carbon farming to truly take root as a viable business model, we need more affordable, reliable monitoring solutions, support for farmers to explore these solutions, and alignment between policies, research, and innovation.  

“constellr is pleased to contribute with its precise high-resolution Land Surface Temperature data and satellite remote-sensing expertise to the technological innovations put forward by the consortium. We are looking forward to a fruitful and multifaceted collaboration that addresses not only the complex issue of carbon content monitoring in crops but also systemic changes that are required to transition towards sustainable agro-ecosystems.”  Matthieu Taymans, Head of Product

The Smart Carbon Farming project connects 11 partners across 5 countries with a range of expertise, including agriculture, policy, and technology.

  • 3 technology innovation actors
  • 6 regional impact partners
  • 2 knowledge partners

Together, we aim to accelerate carbon farming by customising and testing monitoring solutions, aligning policy with research and innovation, and training farmers on the uptake of carbon farming practices.  

constellr GmbH  

constellr (Germany, Belgium) is a pan-European technology company enabling globally scalable high-precision smart farming and resource management to support global food security in a time of climate change. Using proprietary space infrastructure, constellr leads the way in beyond-visual imaging technology to assess vegetation and soil health at an unprecedented level.  

constellr GmbH - Press contact

Rosa Schmidt

Ph: +44 7944640072

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